what is practicum?
Hello Newly Awakened Soul! Hello you beautiful sensitive creative Soul! I see you you wonderful, Soulpreneur!
Just for a second, Imagine you're a breathtaking secret garden, obscured by weeds of self-doubt, preventing the world from fully witnessing your magnificence. You haven't fully embraced your power, operating within the confines of limiting beliefs. The Akashic Records offer a lens to see beyond—revealing your soul's blueprint, showcasing who you were in past lifetimes, and the dormant qualities and gifts still residing within you. It's like discovering a USB of your essence, waiting to be activated.
why choose practicum?
Practicum is an opportunity for a deep dive into your Akashic Records, for an extensive period of time and in an intimate 1:1 setting, to uncover information from various experiences across time within your Soul’s Blueprint. Artists/ Creatives and Soulpreneurs together we will tap into these energies to release blocks, limiting patterns, activate dormant gifts that are within you. So you can infuse your work with these new energies that are unique to YOU. PRACTICUM is THE most transformative container if you are: A newly awakened soul who has a suspicion that they may have psychic abilities…Let’s find out which ones and strengthen and expand these intuitive /psychic abilities, Spiritualpreneurs who know they are here to make an impact in the world, to add to the expansion of the universe but not live off donations. Ready to do your soul purpose work? Creatives who wish to dissolve blocks that hinder their creative flow. Who wish to tap into their unique creative energies and infuse their work with them.
Whichever option you choose you will receive an equal amount of energy healing sessions
and guidance sessions, to get you up to speed and where you need to go.
what are PRACTiCUM sessions like?
experience practicum
You can do PRACTICUM for 1 month, 2 months or
3 months
One Month
-4 powerful 1h zoom sessions
- 2 guidance sessions
-2 energy shifting sessions
-Always sitting in the energy of the Akasha
Weekday support via voxer or messenger over the span of one month. This will help you to stay
on path
You will also get access to Earth School for the four weeks
Two Months
-6 powerful 1h zoom sessions
- 3 guidance sessions
-3 energy shifting sessions
-Always sitting in the energy of the Akasha
Weekday support via voxer or messenger over the span of two months. This will help you to stay
on path
You will also get access to Earth School for the two months
Three Months
-8 powerful 1h zoom sessions
- 4 guidance sessions
-4 energy shifting sessions
-Always sitting in the energy of the Akasha
Weekday support via voxer or messenger over the span of three months.
This will help you to stay on path
You will also get access to Earth School for the three months